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A Few Words About Sustainable Development

What's it Mean to You?

Sustainable development is the hot concept in environmental policy today. It was orginally defined as "meeting the needs of the present generation without sacrifcing the ability of fufture generations to meet their needs". There have been many subsequent definitions, all based on some idea of preserving long term environmental quality and/or long-term cultural and social viability.

The concept was championed by the United Nations in its global development programs leading to conservative (US) fears of some sort of  world government run by "green" socialists. Anyway, the United Nations and other governments did start with a top down view of sustainable development projects. This has (partly) been replaced by grassroots development by small organizations and by citizens' groups operating without much help or direction from the UN. Whether this is a desirable development or not depend son one's ideological perspective. Nevertheless, grassroots activism seems to be the future of sustainable development, whatever definition of it is used.  

My Background

I'm a sociologist with interests in sustainable development, social change applications of brainstorming tools and techniques, and more. You can visit my other Web site or read one of my blogs to learn more: