Chester Davis

Sociological Thinking
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Good reasons to think like a sociologist 

Nothing that happens to us happens in a vacuum. History, culture, and social forces beyond our control all shape our lives. Our lives also shape, in small ways for most us, the evolution of our society.
That's the essence of the sociological perspective.
Two lessons:
1. Don't ignore the influence of our culture, for good or ill, on what we do and why we do it.
2. Don't be duped by the idea that people do what they want to do.

Thinking like a sociologist makes good sense in business, government, and nonprofit management. Why? You have to think about the culture and social structure that affects clients, customers, volunteers, business partners, and your organization's social environment. If the future social environment for businesses, governments, and nonprofits is going to be chaotic and messy, one should be ready to think in complex terms about the social environment of one's own organization.

Voters. politicians, activists, and business people can all benefit from sociological thinking.