Copywriting for Nonprofits

Earned Income

Web Pages
Email Writing
Earned Income
Improve Your Web Site
Direct Mail
Writing Samples
Fee Schedule
About Chester Davis
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Help for nonprofits that want to sell products or services

You might have a plan to earn income by selling a product or service, or you may already have someting for sale. In either case, you'll need good advertising to get buyers to buy.
If you have a relationship with a significant number of people, then an earned income effort might pay off. If, and only if, you have 1000s of Web visitors a week or thousands of email addresses, then funding your programs by selling things can make sense.
But, the writing has to be handled a certain way. You are selling not informing or educating.
A professional copywriter can help. The writing techniques that work so well for businesses work for nonprofits. The same methods for selling goods and services work for nonprofits.
Contact me if you want to generate income this way. I can write: 
A Web site landing page with "selling" language.
Web text that sells your product or service.
An order page with a short sales pitch on it.
Persuasive email messages including autoresponders.
Online ads that bring people to your Web site.
I can help you sell more, or just start selling something.
You just need a product or service and a marketing plan.
If a "package" like the one above makes sense, get in touch to discuss the details. The total cost of two Web pages, a short ad for Facebook and a Web site, and a promotional email message would be $700 to $1000, which is cheaper than buying the services separately.

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Chester Davis * 3105 Naylor Road SE #202 * Washington, DC * 20020