The point of this page is to suggest starting points for those interested in learning more, or in going right to
work learning things that will improve your organization's capacity to innovate, solve problems, and plan. The following list
of objectives and suggested resources will help you get started:
Capturing and sharing knowledge - visit Innovation Tools and Knowledge Management World; read Building Communities
of Practice or Knowledge Management for Dummies.
Improving Your Marketing or Fundraising - Read Cracking Creativity or Thinkertoys; buy a copy of IdeaFisher
Pro; consider buying one of the other creative thinking programs mentioned on Innovation Tools; take a course in creative
thinking techniques (like Lateral Thinking)
Developing New Programs - see above; read De Bono's Thinking Course, New Thinking for the New Millenium
or The Creative Problem Solver's Toolbox
Troubleshooting Programs or Operations - read The New Rational Manager or The Thinker's Toolkit; take
a Kepner-Tregoe course on management analysis
Planning - read about Potential Problem/Opportunity Analysis in The New Rational Manager; get a copyu of IdeaFisher
Visit my links page for links for training and software.You can find the books on