* Thinkertoys, Cracking Creativity, A Whack on the Side of the Head, The Complete Problem
Solver's Toolbox, Lateral Thinking, De Bono's Thinking Course, Six Thinking Hats, New Thinking
for the New Millenium, and Serious Creativity are all excellent titles on brainstorming and problem-solving
* Building Communities of Practice, Knowledge Management for Dummies, If Only We Knew What We
Know, The Learning Organization are grweat sources of information on managing and using your employees' knowledge.
* Changing Minds, Influence, and The Tipping Point provide valuable psychological and social-psychological
* The New Rational Manager describes Porblem Analysis, Situation Analysis, Decision Making, and Potential Problem/Potential
Opportunity Analysis; easy-to-learn tools for planning, and problem solving. The authors' consulting firm teaches
the tools in a workshop.
* Breakthrough Thinking for Nonprofits and Sustaining Innovation offer some lessons on creativity
and innovation for government agencies and nonprofits.
* Diffusion of Innovations describes the innovation process and should prove useful, if long,
resource to anyone with an idea, technology, or process to promote.