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Books on creative thinking and building innovative organizations

These books can all be ordered from
Thinkertoys (Michael Michalko)
How to Think Like Einstein (Scott Thorpe)
DeBono's Thinking Course (Edward de Bono)
The Creative Problem Solver's Toolbox (Richard Fobes)
Cracking Creativity (Michael Michalko)
The Thinker's Toolkit (Morgan D. Jones)
A Whack on the Side of the Head (Roger von Oech)
Other Valuable Titles:
These books are not about creative thinking or analysis but they are extremely valuable to anyone with an idea to sell or a cuase to promote.
Diffusion of Innovation by (Everett M. Rogers)
The Tipping Point (Malcom Gladwell)

Highly Recommended!

Thinkertoys by Michael Michalko

Chet Davis * 3105 Naylor Road SE #202 * Washington, DC 20020